Custom newsletter developed with PinHawk
PinHawk - News for Professionals

Send your branded newsletter to clients, prospects, and employees.

Choose from variety of flexible sources and formats.

Launch your electronic newsletter.

Keep your newsletter up to date.

Develop a PinHawk Custom Newsletter

Send brand newsletters to your target audience.

Your organization can send it’s own branded newsletter to clients, prospects, employees, and others. The daily email can be delivered every day without requiring additional resources from your staff.

Your newsletter may be derived from an existing PinHawk newsletter, it can be totally different content, or it can be a combination. You decide.

PinHawk clients appreciate our flexibility in working with them to find news sources, blogs, and other content that is most interesting to their users.

Here's How We Do It

PinHawk makes newsletter marketing simple.

First, we will help you select and customize alerts to optimize the value of your organization's newsletter. You can use our database of alerts, or we can create new ones. New alerts can usually be set up within 48 hours.

Together, we design the format of the newsletter: style, fonts, section names, and organization of email topics.

Within a few days, a trial newsletter will be generated for your review.

Based on the feedback you provide, PinHawk will fine tune alerts, add new alerts, change the organization, or the format, of the trial newsletter. Most changes are implemented the same day.

When the newsletter meets your expectations, and it has run this way for a week, PinHawk may expand the distribution to solicit more feedback.

The launch of your daily email to the target population will be scheduled when you are satisfied. Many of our clients choose to include an introductory message at the top of the initial news digest, or alternately, send an independent introductory e-mail. We will work with you to ensure that any non-delivery issues are addressed. Together, we analyze reader feedback to continuously improve the quality of the service to your subscribers.

This process takes a few weeks. After the initial setup meeting, each of your designated personnel should devote a few minutes each day to a review of the trial Newsletter content and the submission of comments.

Maintain Your Newsletter

Newsletter maintenance consists of: 1) Keeping Content Sources Current; 2) updating your email distribution list; and 3) modifying newsletter content, as needed, before daily distribution.

    1. Keeping Content Sources Current

  • PinHawk software detects format changes to any web pages being monitored. Our technical staff makes any adjustments necessary.
  • We work with your company to identify and include new web sources for the newsletter.
  • Together, we periodically review the newsletter sections and explore areas where we might add topics or organize the newsletter differently.
  • PinHawk maintains all alerts and, as requested, adds new alerts or modifies existing alerts.
  • 2. Maintaining Distribution Lists

  • There are several ways that the subscription list may change:

  • You may choose to add, modify or delete subscribers.

  • Subscribers can elect to unsubscribe through a link at the bottom of the email.

  • PinHawk notifies you of emails that are no longer valid and remove them from the list.

  • 3. Modifying Each Issue of Your Newsletter

  • PinHawk can provide you with a tool to allow you to hide the contents of the newsletter. If you do not choose to utilize that capability, then the newsletter will be generated and distributed automatically each day.

  • If you do choose to use this tool, then the Newsletter distribution will be triggered by one of your staff. A few hours before the daily news digest is scheduled for delivery, your administrator will receive early access to its contents. Your administrator may choose to hide any links scheduled for the Newsletter.

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