PinHawk - Press Release, January 2006






PinHawk LLC Launches Law on the Blogs NewzDigest
Daily Email Presents "What's New on the Blogs"

PinHawk's daily email aggregates new postings on legal blogs.
Complimentary subscriptions are available for a limited time.


New York, NY (January 30, 2006) - PinHawk LLC, the publisher of daily NewzDigest emails for professionals, has introduced Law on the Blogs NewzDigest.


Legal blogs are a valuable source of information. With over 300 legal blogs (blawgs), it has become nearly impossible to monitor every site. PinHawk solves this problem with Law on the Blogs NewzDigest. The daily email, with all the latest posts on the blawgs, is delivered 6 mornings a week.


PinHawk's Joe Bookman says, "Our subscribers get our email every morning. In just a few minutes they get an overview of all the blawg postings from the previous day and they can browse the postings of interest. Legal professionals tell us that this electronic newsletter is a tremendous time saver and also fun to read. The NewzDigest will keep improving with the addition of new blogs as they are developed."


According to Larry Bodine, of the popular Legal Marketing blog, "The Law on the Blogs NewzDigest is the best collection of what people are talking about online.  It's better than a news aggregator -- I learn about bloggers that are new to me and I get the information more concisely.  I need to keep my ear to the ground in the legal profession, and the NewzDigest is the way I do it."


Ron Friedmann, another popular blogger with Prism Legal, says, "My recent commentary on reviewed some surveys about blawgs. It seems pretty clear that blawgs are playing an increasingly important role - and I cited several firms that have gotten new business from their blogs. For lawyers and their colleagues not already reading multiple blogs, Law on the Blogs NewzDigest offers a convenient way to see a good assortment of leading blawgs, covering a range of topics, from law business, to substantive law, to technology."


For more information about PinHawk and the NewzDigest service or to receive a free trial, go to Limited time complimentary subscriptions to Law on the Blogs are available by emailing and mentioning code FREEBLOG.



About PinHawk LLC and the NewzDigest Service


PinHawk LLC is a privately held company. The company maintains and promotes its NewzDigest and Web Alert services.


NewzDigest Service technology distributes daily topic-based electronic newsletters with Internet-based, industry specific news content to professional end-users, large organizations, their clients, and their prospects. PinHawk emails are either private labeled for a client or distributed under the PinHawk label.


Web Alert Service technology enables intranets and web sites to display PinHawk collected news.


Daily emails distributed under the PinHawk label for the legal community include: Securities NewzDigest, Banking NewzDigest, Corporate Legal NewzDigest, and Law Firm NewzDigest. Two week trials of these electronic newsletters are available at



For information:


PinHawk LLC

Tel.:               (212) 363-7766

Fax:               (212) 785-0848


Web site:


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